Harmonia Sacra Singing
Elkhart, Indiana
Monday January 1, 2001
The Tenth Annual New Year's Day Harmonia Sacra Singing was held at the Chapel of the Sermon on the Mount at the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries. James Nelson Gingerich commenced the Singing with the song on page 63b. Christine Guth said the morning prayer. Kent Beck sang 147b; Samuel Sommers 94; Michael Miller 175; Matthew Lind 86; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 93b. Matthew Lind welcomed the class and James Nelson Gingerich spoke briefly about shape notes and the songbook. Other leaders: Kate Lind 178; Janet Wright 96; (Sherry Kiracofe) 241; Christine Guth 365b; James Nelson Gingerich 347; (Harley Helmuth) 344; (Mary Helmuth) 142b; (Karen Gouker) 345; Martha Beverly 279; Danile Martens 264; Kent Beck 204; (Dottie Shelt) 153.
Matthew Lind brought the class back with 53. Other leaders: Samuel Sommers 269; Michael Miller 221; Matthew Lind 161; (Bill Beverly) 109; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) 227; (Karen Lehman) Matthew Lind 227b; Kate Lind 164; Jan Wright 75; (Sherry Kiracofe) James Nelson Gingerich 108b; Christine Guth 89; James Nelson Gingerich 220; (Harley Helmuth) 28b; (Mary Helmuth) 342; Martha Beverly 252. Christine Guth said grace for the meal.
Samuel Sommers brought the class back with 60b. Then followed (Rod Helmuth) 216; Kent Beck 88b; (Dottie Shelt) Matthew Lind 109b; Samuel Sommers 260; Martha Beverly 127; Michael Miller 228; Matthew Lind 144; (Bill Beverly) 232b; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) Samuel Sommers 188; Christine Guth 114; Kate Lind 146b; (Jan Wright) 80; (Sherry Kiracofe) 232; James Nelson Gingerich 353; (Danile Martens) James Nelson Gingerich 281; Kent Beck 97; (Dottie Shelt) 182; (Harley Helmuth) 328.
Matthew Lind brought the class in with 114b. The singing continued: (Mary Helmuth) 324; (Dottie Shelt) 95b; Samuel Sommers 333; Martha Beverly 350; Michael Miller 164b; Matthew Lind 351; (Bill Beverly) 126b. Announcements were made. Dirk Lind 290; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) 199. The class sang 354 and Christine Guth said a closing prayer.
Secretary's note: A singer might select a song and choose not to lead. The requester is named parenthetically in the minutes, followed by the name of the leader, if there be one, and the number of the page where the song may be found - S W S