Community Mennonite Church
Harrisonburg, Virginia
November 7, 2010
The first annual Harmonia Sacra singing at Community Mennonite Church was called to order by Jeremy Nafziger leading 83. Jennifer Davis Sensenig, pastor at Community Mennonite Church, welcomed the class, led in prayer, and then led 53. Other leaders: Boyd Burkholder 176, 72; Nancy Heisey 200, 354; Kris Shenk-Zehr 317, 96; Robert Wenger 93, 311.
Sam Showalter talked about the Joseph Funk House acquisition and future plans, as well as the annual Harmonia Sacra singing schedule. He led 148.
Other leaders: Jane Burkholder 353, 251; Jan Showalter 326, 351; Ruth Stoltzfus Jost 304; Elwood Keener 160, 303; Jeremy Nafziger by request, 325, 75, 115; Sam Showalter 314.
The group was dismissed at approximately 8:35 p.m.
All song numbers in these minutes refer to pages in the Harmonia Sacra, 25th edition.