Community Mennonite Church
Harrisonburg, Virginia
November 6, 2011
Jeremy Nafziger called the session to order and led 131a. Jennifer Davis Sensenig, pastor at Community Mennonite Church, welcomed the class, led in prayer, and then led 140b. Other leaders: Carmen Rexrode (155, 277); Dorcas Good (218a, 344a); Ray Horst (302b); Nancy Heisey (200b, 161a); Dorothy Jean Weaver (268a, 351); Sam Showalter (354, 268b).
Jeremy Nafziger and Sam Showalter then led the following songs by request: 304, 349, 75, 99a, 225, 227a, 227b. Jeremy Nafziger led 209 to end the session.
The group was dismissed at approximately 8:20 p.m.
All song numbers in these minutes refer to pages in the Harmonia Sacra, 25th edition.