The Harmonia Sacra
Minutes for January 1, 2014
Chapel of the Word
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana
James Nelson Gingerich called the twenty-third annual singing to order with the song on page 53. Matthew Lind sang the song at 302b and said an opening prayer. Leaders: Samuel Sommers 258; Rob Bahler 326; Jacques Louis-Jeune 244t; Michael Miller 69b; Christine Guth 393; Joshua Kinder 183; Nate Zweig 106t; Jacob Elias & James Nelson Gingerich 97; John Bahler 218b; Tom Dean & Matthew Lind 59t; Matthew Lind 140b; Caleb Wiebe 219; Brian Newell 61t; Brian Wiebe 224b; Kate Lind 264; (Eleanor Kreider) James Nelson Gingerich 227.
Samuel Sommers brought the class back with 158b. Other leaders: (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 260; Karen Bahler 217t; James Nelson Gingerich 221; Brad Bahler 277; Holly Hauck 58t; Brandon Waggy & James Nelson Gingerich 186b; Samuel Sommers 96; Rob Bahler 220; Jacques Louis-Jeune 118; Michael Miller 54b; Christine Guth 259; Joshua Kinder 227t; Nate Zweig 239b; Loren Waggy 266; Brandon Waggy 303; (Jacob Elias) James Nelson Gingerich 256; John Bahler 62b.
James Nelson Gingerich brought the class back with the song at 268t. Other leaders: Philipp Gollner and James Nelson Gingerich 158t; Tom Dean 302t; Matthew Lind 176b; Brian Newell 182t; Kate Lind 95b; (Eleanor Kreider) James Nelson Gingerich 218; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 75; Karen Bahler 228b; James Nelson Gingerich 353.
Matthew Lind started the next session with 331. Other leaders: Hollan Potts and Brad Bahler 290; Holly Hauck 351; Brad Bahler 347; Samuel Sommers 188t; (Lillian Elias) James Nelson Gingerich 355; Michael Miller 98t; Nate Zweig 155; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 199b. Matthew Lind led 354 as closing song.
Carry-in dinner followed.
Secretary’s note: All the song numbers in these minutes refer to pages of the twenty-sixth edition of The Harmonia Sacra. If a singer selects a song and chooses not to lead it, the requester is named parenthetically in these minutes, followed by the name of the leader (if there be one) and the number of the page where the song may be found.
Minutes submitted by Samuel Sommers, secretary.