The Harmonia Sacra

Minutes for January 1, 2015

Chapel of the Word
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana

Matthew Lind called the twenty-fourth annual singing to order with the song on page 303. James Nelson Gingerich said an opening prayer, made some introductory comments, and sang the song at 53. Leaders: Samuel Sommers 164b; Rob Bahler 195; Nate Zweig 78b; Martha Beverly 122t; Bill Beverly 90t; Christine Guth 316b; Peggy Mistak 204; Bob Sullivan 83t; (Linda Herschberger) James Nelson Gingerich 304; Bess Fitzgerald 221; Josh Kinder 183; Matthew Lind 353; Will Fitzgerald 67t; (David Wenger) James Nelson Gingerich 129b; Michael Miller 158t; Ben Wiebe 219; Bobby Switzer 227t.


Matthew Lind brought the class back with 227b. Other leaders: Jan May 75; Loren Waggy 366; Brandon Waggy 186b; Karen Bahler 348; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 351; (Karla Kauffman) James Nelson Gingerich 272; (Kate Lind) James Nelson Gingerich 355; (Erin Yoder) Will Fitzgerald 289; (Kelly Garson) Samuel Sommers 188t; (Emily Wenger) Matthew Lind 145; James Nelson Gingerich 96; Brad Bahler 328; Ann Miczulski 345; (Elizabeth Wenger) Will Fitzgerald 344t; (Naomi Wenger) Matthew Lind 209.


Will Fitzgerald brought the class back with the song at 161t. Other leaders: Ginny Landgraf 87b; Samuel Sommers337; Rob Bahler 326; Nate Zweig 148b; Josh Kinder 302t; Martha Beverly 261; Bill Beverly 332b; Peggy Mistak 350; Bob Sullivan 98t; (Bess Fitzgerald) Will Fitzgerald 175; Matthew Lind 260; Will Fitzgerald 220; (David Wenger) Will Fitzgerald 121b; Michael Miller 268b; Bobby Switzer and Dirk Vardaman 290.


James Nelson Gingerich started the last session with 218b. Other leaders: Nick Pasqual 181b; Jan May 159; (Loren Waggy) Will Fitzgerald 374; Brandon Waggy 149; Karen Bahler 347; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 99t; (Karla Kauffman) 385; Kate Lind 54b; Ginny Landgraf 301; Michael Weibe 317; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) Matthew Lind 199. After announcements, Matthew Lind led 354 as a closing song.

Carry-in dinner followed.

Secretary’s note: All the song numbers in these minutes refer to pages of the twenty-sixth edition of The Harmonia Sacra. If a singer selects a song and chooses not to lead it, the requester is named parenthetically in these minutes, followed by the name of the leader (if there be one) and the number of the page where the song may be found. — SWS