The Harmonia Sacra
Minutes for January 1, 2016
Chapel of the Word
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana
Matthew Lind called the twenty-fifth annual singing to order with the song on page 53. Samuel Sommers said an opening prayer. Leaders: James Nelson Gingerich 63b; Samuel Sommers 349; Will Fitzgerald 85t; Jim Helke 83t; Nate Zweig 160b; Ann Miczulski 164b; Bess Fitgerald 345; Martha Beverly 66t; Bill Beverly 84t; Peter Shenk Koontz and James Nelson Gingerich 96; Michael Miller 221; Mattthew Lind 227b; (Malinda Berry) Matthew Lind 227t; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 140b; Kate Lind 75; (Christine Guth) Will Fitzgerald 220.
James Nelson Gingerich brought the class together with the song on page 303. Leaders: (Sarah Lind) Matthew Lind 396; (Gale Gerber Koontz) Will Fitzgerald 156t; (Beth Bontrager) James Nelson Gingerich 368; Jan May 351; Holly Austin 207; Ginny Landgraf 301; Kristine Regehr & James Nelson Gingerich 99; John David Thacker 224t; Samuel Sommers 269; Will Fitzgerald 333; Jim Helke 166b; Nate Zweig 69; Ann Miczulski 195; (Bess Fitzgerald) Will Fitzgerald 339; Martha Beverly 283.
Samuel Sommers brought the class back with the song at 347. Other Leaders: Bill Beverly 332b; John David Thacker 204; Michael Miller 150b; Brian Newell 228b; Matthew Lind 260; (Loren Waggy) Will Fitzgerald 211; Brandon Waggy 307; Jan May 90t; (Malinda Berry) James Nelson Gingerich 355; (Barbara Nelson Gingerich) James Nelson Gingerich 326; (Kate Lind) 212; (Sarah Lind) Samuel Sommers 270.
Will Fitzgerald brought the class back from the final recess with the song at 210b. Leaders: Beth Bontrager 151; Christine Guth 69b; Holly Austin 284t; Ginny Landgraf 90b; James Nelson Gingerich 337; Samuel Sommers 155; Will Fitzgerald 281; Jim Helke 173b; Ann Miczulski 216t; Martha Beverly 261; Nate Zweig 169. Announcements were made. Dirk Vardaman led 290, and Matthew Lind closed the singing with the song at 354. Michael Miller said grace before the carry-in dinner which followed.
Secretary’s note: All the song numbers in these minutes refer to pages of the twenty-sixth edition of The Harmonia Sacra. If a singer selects a song and chooses not to lead it, the requester is named parenthetically in these minutes, followed by the name of the leader (if there be one) and the number of the page where the song may be found. — SWS