The Harmonia Sacra

Minutes for January 1, 2020

Chapel of the Word
Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Elkhart, Indiana

Matthew Lind called the twenty-ninth annual singing to order with the song on page 53. Will Fitzgerald said an opening prayer. Leaders: James Nelson Gingerich 227b; Michael Miller 149; Bess Fitzgerald 227t; Will Fitzgerald 232t; Ginny Landgraf 232b;Brian Newell 233b; Christine Guth 121b; Jim Helke 84; Brandon Buxton 220; Samuel Sommers 294; Gerald Shoultz 228 t; Kate Lind 264; Christine Guth 85b; Bess Fitzgerald 96; Brian Newell 97; Ginny Landgraf 214t; Holly Austin 202t.


Matthew Lind brought the class together with 196t. James Nelson Gingerich spoke briefly about the history of The Harmonia Sacra and plans to print additional copies of the 26 th edition. James led 353. Other leaders: Jan May 194b; Will Fitzgerald 347; Michael Miller 270; Jim Helke 161t; Samuel Sommers 378b; Gerald Shoultz 250; Brandon Buxton 234t; Jan May 90t; Ginny Landgraf 301; Holly Austin 216b.


The singing resumed with Matthew Lind leading 348. Other leaders: Bess Fitzgerald 221; Brian Newell 317; (Myrna Burkholder) Will Fitzgerald 166t; Samuel Sommers 218t; Christine Guth 188b; Michael Miller 312t; Gerald Shoultz 189b; Jim Helke 173b; Holly Austin 133t; Will Fitzgerald 349; Jan May 392t; Brandon Buxton 282b; Ginny Landgraf 170; Michael Miller 326.


Matthew Lind called the class to order with the song on page 261. Leaders: James Nelson Gingerich 77b; Christine Guth 310b; (Jim Helke) James Nelson Gingerich 351; Samuel Sommers 269; Karen Andrews and Matthew Lind 260; Jan May 203; Dirk Vardaman 290; Holly Austin 341; Gerald Shoultz 204; Kate Lind 158b; (Autumn Rhodes) Will Fitzgerald 79b; Brandon Buxton 228b. Matthew Lind asked for announcements of upcoming singings and led 354 as the closing song. Michael Miller said grace for the following meal.

Carry in meal followed.

Secretary’s note: All the song numbers in these minutes refer to pages of the twenty-sixth edition of The Harmonia Sacra. If a singer selects a song and chooses not to lead it, the requester is named parenthetically in these minutes, followed by the name of the leader (if there be one) and the number of the page where the song may be found. — SWS